Become a LAA Member

Please complete the 3 steps below. The Board of LAA will review your application and revert.

1. Membership type

Individual membership (annual fee of 50 EUR)Individual membership (annual fee 50 EUR) + CV online ( one-time fee 50 EUR)

2. Personnal Data

3. CV upload

Please upload your CV highlighting any relevant arbitration experience


Luxembourg Arbitration Association

The Luxembourg Arbitration Association a.s.b.l. (“LAA”) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1996, dedicated to the promotion and development of arbitration practice in Luxembourg. Its aim is to provide support on the subject matter to authorities, parties, and institutions, by sharing expertise and information on arbitration related matters, as well as providing a comprehensive database of Luxembourg and international qualified arbitrators and practitioners. F3141 Extrait RCS – 2019.06.27

The Association endeavors to strengthen both the legal and institutional framework surrounding this field of dispute resolution to bring forward Luxembourg’s position as an arbitration seat.